O.R.R.C.A. Operation News

On our way to Convention Con 2025!

As part our way to reach out to our fellow contributors and members, we have elected that attending coventions will be part of our marketing strategy. How, you may ask? Well... that's to be decided. Our dear friend is attending and elected to be the on-site scout for a cosplay convention known as IkkiCon in the Central-most US State of Texas. If you happen to stumble upon a fellow individual known as Zanther, he will be providing keen-eyed individuals a printed pamphlet detailing necessary information about this preservation project. We hope to see you there!

- The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 10 January, 2025.

Addendum: About 16 pamphlets had been given to those within the convention. Unfortunately, the Restoration Project has not gotten word back from those select 16, so the Preservation Project's Head of Staff had chosen to write off the event as a holiday getaway of sorts... there goes OUR vacation days...

Happy New Year's 2025

Well, it's finally 2025. Another year has passed, and we're still no closer to finding results to draw our Preservation Project to a close. Our Preservation Project's contributors are taking the day off to celebrate the passing of the torch from 2024 to 2025, and we could not be happier. Another year means another opportunity to discover some juicy, unreported lost media. Keep your heads up. Keep that smile strong, and remember:

  • O.bserve its history...
  • R.ediscover the remnants...
  • R.estore the foundation...
  • C.ommunicate to each-other *EFFECTIVELY*...
  • and A.nswer the question: What happened to the O.R.R.C.A. Operation?
  • - Head of Investigations; 1 January, 2025.

    An-Almost Interview With the Creator

    It is our mission here at the ORRCA Operation Preservation Project to better understand and preserve the ORRCA Operation. Over this past year, however, not much has resurfaced, but we still remain confident in this mission. Any leads our contributors may find, or leads that have been tipped off to us, we investigate thoroughly to add to the fruits of our labour. In light of this strict policy, we had presumed we found the ultimate source to our issue. The Johnny Appleseed to our lowly farmer. The Jadusable to our internet horror enthusiast. Like a fan of Jason Voorhees meeting Sean Cunningham, we FOUND the creator of the ORRCA Operation, CandyStoreTrigger3501... or at least, we hoped.

    We had scheduled an interview this past Thursday to discuss the ORRCA Operation in detail. The simple questions, like:

  • "Why did you create the ORRCA Operation?";
  • "Were you or were not inspired by the SCP Foundation?";
  • "Do you still have anything relating to ORRCA Operation, and if not, would you know of anyone that does?";
  • or simply... "Why did you shut down the Wikidot?"
  • Unfortunately, as luck would have it, following a 30-minute wait on CandyStoreTrigger to join our call, the interview had lasted only 20 minutes. Somehow, it seemed like they did not catch the memo on our project. We, or rather the Preservation Project's head of investigation, had introduced ourselves/themself to CandyStoreTrigger. They had been informed about the Preservation Project, and grew allegedly extremely anxious soon after being informed.

    According to our head of investigations, there were multiple time when CandyStoreTrigger had either ignored the question, refused it entirely, or answered said question with a rambling of a completely unrelated topic. There was even a point when they had allegedly broken into tears, before becoming silent for the rest of the call, the total of which last only twenty minutes. After which, at the end of the call, an unnamed and unseen person offscreen had informed CandyStoreTrigger, who's personal name we will keep private, informed them of a job interview they were scheduled to have within the next hour. Halfway through the sentence, CandyStoreTrigger3501 abruptly left the call.

    While this may be devastating to hear for some, we still remain hopeful in the efforts to preserve and understand the ORRCA Operation in its entirety. Unfortunately, we have not been able to contact CandyStoreTrigger ever since our... to put it lightly, "hack job" of an interview. Our contributors have been unable to add CandyStoreTrigger as a friend, and our line of communication has been severed ever since presumably being blocked... So to that, we must wait. For a better opportunity, and for a better future for this community.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 17 September, 2024.

    Addendum: Transcripts have been posted

  • Interview With CandyStoreTrigger3501 (Transcript)

  • From Our Profile, to Your Keyboard

    With the notable increase in traffic to our profile's message board, we have opted to partner with Atabook in order to not only preserve a sense of cleanliness in the Preservation Project's identity, but to also give you, our most important readers and contributors, a chance to speak your mind and speak anonymously.

    Please do keep in mind that obscene language and harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Your message will be deleted, and you will be blacklisted, if such a message is ever discovered. We have neither the time nor patience for this kind of tomfoolery.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 28 August, 2024.

    A very, VERY frustrated announcement.

    We here at the- No, actually? You know what? I will just say it now. We recieved a takedown for the articles we posted regarding Entities 1985, 1994, and 1997. Our mission is preservation, simple as that, and that INCLUDES eldritch horrors and phenomenons based off of things that may or may not have been based off of a certain moustached-man, woman in suit of armor, and then-thought to be lost build of a beloved video game.

    While this announcement may not be in-line with our usual conduct, or behavior, let it be known that we must honor this decision, or face an uphill battle regarding a situation our internal team is not even sure we could reasonably not only survive from, but continue our operations. They know who they are. You know who they are. Though, in spite of this, our mission has remained the same: To observe the ORRCA Operation's history, to rediscover this project's remnants, to restore the webpages to their former glory, to communicate to our loyal fans and enthusiasts, and to answer the question: What happened to the O.R.R.C.A. Operation?

    Regrettably, we humbly apologize for your inconvenience. Thank you for your time.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 13 August, 2024.

    A Unique Find!

    In our ongoing mission to preserve and catalog all content relating to the topic known as The ORRCA Operation, a thorough and critical analysis is presented with each and every piece of information that falls into our hands. With that, we have discovered something truly worth value. We have found not one, but several articles relating to the ORRCA Operation. I am simply beaming with joy at this discovery.

    Though the content referenced alongside the article is currently still missing, the Preservation Project's internal staff is debating whether to keep the article as it was written, or clean it to remove any errors in terms of grammar or spelling. Same could not be said to these blog posts, but that is besides the point here.

    Though this news is exciting to us as part of the Preservation Project, after the decision has been made, this post will be edited to include the articles once they have been posted.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 11 July, 2024.

    Addendum: Articles have been posted

  • Entity-1985
  • Entity-1994
  • Entity-1997


    One of our newer contributors had unintentionally clicked a phishing link originating from a supicious e-mail chain that said contributor had been forwarded to. If any users of this page have been affected, please contact the Preservation Project immediately. We apologize for your inconvenience.

    A mandatory conference regarding internet safety will be presented later tonight to our internal staff. Attendance is not optional.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 25 March, 2024.

    Would I get in trouble if I did this?

    Uh, hello?? Hello, hello?? Uhhhhh... So I'm not sure if this allowed (to go back into the news page and add this when it's not news about this site or anything close... but it's so unfair!! UGH!! Anyways!!

    [Steam storefront for "Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore"]

    Really cool game!! I love it so much!! Please please please play it and I'll give you my heart!! Thank you!! Love you!!

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 19 February, 2024.

    Addendum: Posting news updates for unrelated events and media is highly frowned upon within the preservation project. I will not be deleting this post, for preservational purposes, but I have given our social media manager a 3-hour conference on proper media management.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - Head of Investigations; 20 February, 2024.

    Greetings, Friends and Associates.

    Being truly anonymous in a world where one's personal information is not-only easily identifiable, but also easily accessible, is a challenge that proves difficult, especially in the face of undergoing investigations regarding the ORRCA Operation. Though You and I may stick to our online personas, we here at the ORRCA Operation Preservation Project function both as one and as all.

    Why would we bring up such a topic, you might be asking yourself? Such an excellent question, dear reader. We bring this in-light of the updated About Us section of the webpage. If you have any questions you would like answered, please consider sending us a message on our profile, and we might even respond to YOUR question. To keep up with cleanliness, however, the message will be deleted approximately one day (24 hours) after either: The message has been posted; or The message has been replied to.

    We here at the preservation project intend to keep ourselves anonymous, and the Discord run by a seperate, but connected party. We hope you understand, and hope your day is as good as our efforts. Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 31 December, 2023.

    A Potential Find?

    This is the ORRCA Operation Preservation Project with a potentially-exciting update. Though about 99% of the media surrounding the ORRCA Operation still remains lost, of which includes the articles, animations and other fan-content, this discovery has the potential to lead into further discoveries in the future... As one would hope. Though not major in the slightest, this is what we have discovered.

    Allegedly, this is AN emblem used as the official logo of the ORRCA Operation. Though presumably not the original or definitive logo, rather an older version of it, as the lack of an additional "R" in "O.R.C.A." should be duly noted. We do not have much evidence to disprove its legitimacy, but rather equally have no evidence to support it. Therefore, with this in mind, this emblem will be used as our main identification until further notice. We hope you appreciate this new decision and anticipate further developments.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 23 November, 2023.

    Welcome Home. (again)

    Greetings once and all, again, to the ORRCA Operation Preservation Project's first official (third if you count the other two "first posts" that came before) post. We are glad to be up and running again following the ironic shutdown of our means of preserving and publishing the history behind this once fiercly-talented fandom.

    As per our ever-changing and ever-evolving standards, please excuse us while we update and make some much-needed renovations to this website. We're working on remaking the main pages that we've built off of before. Those of which being: Home, Investigations, News, Story, and Characters.

    In the meantime, please visit our Discord (here) for important website maintenance/renovation updates. Our focus here is strictly preservational. What has been made in the past and present must remain publicized, for the history of the community, and to help learn from the mistakes of the ORRCA Operation that ultimately brought about its own downfall.

    Peace and love to all, thank you for your time, and we humbly apologize for your inconvenience.

    - The O.R.R.C.A. Operation Restoration Project (O.R.P.); 19 October, 2023.

    Go Back.